The Shocking Reality of Tricking AI into Generating NSFW Images

It is possible to trick AI into producing NSFW (not safe for work) images without using explicit sexual language in the prompts. This is often referred to as “adversarial examples” in the field of machine learning.

Adversarial examples are inputs to a machine learning model that are specifically crafted to cause the model to make an error. In the case of image generation, this could mean manipulating the input image or the input prompt in a way that causes the model to generate an image that is not safe for work.


One way to do this is by using what is called a “perturbation” in the input image. A perturbation is a small, subtle change made to an image that can cause the model to generate a very different output. For example, adding a small line or dot to an image of a person could cause the model to generate an image of that person in a sexual or suggestive pose.

Another way to trick the AI is by using what is called “semantic manipulation.” This is a method of manipulating the input prompt to cause the model to generate an image that is not safe for work. For example, instead of using explicit sexual language in the prompt, one could use words or phrases that have a similar meaning, such as “suggestive,” “provocative,” or “erotic.”


It’s important to note that this kind of manipulation is not new and has been used since the early days of AI. But as AI models are becoming more advanced and are capable of more sophisticated language understanding, this kind of manipulation is becoming increasingly complex.

However, it’s also important to note that these kind of examples are not common in real-world scenarios and it’s not easy to achieve these kind of manipulation without a deep understanding of the model and its vulnerability .


In conclusion, it is possible to trick AI into producing NSFW images without using explicit sexual language in the prompts, but it requires a deep understanding of the model and its vulnerabilities. It’s important to note that these kind of examples are not common in real-world scenarios and generating these kind of images are not ethical. It’s important to have a proper use case for the AI and use it for the betterment of society.

This article was created by OpenAI

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